Monday 12 October 2015

Bee happy .... it's Autumn

I just wanted to share these Autumn berry images with you from my garden.
I love Autumn, the slight nip in the air, the carpet of golden leaves fallen to the floor and wearing cosy woollens :)
What's your favourite season?
Bee happy x


  1. Looks lovely :-) I don't really have a favourite I love the summer for the freedom and the warmth but I adore the Autumn for Natures wonderful colour and Spring for life it brings not a fan of winter and the cold. dee x

  2. I'm totally with you on this. Autumn is my favourite month too. Beautiful photos. Love Gem x

  3. The Autumn berry pictures are lovely. It is my favorite season of all, and I'm taking it all in. : )



Thank you for your comments, I love to read them all!