In this cold weather we realised that a mini wind tornado was coming under the garage door into the utility room. I decided to make a draught excluder to help block the draught. So far it is working until Coco the dog keeps dragging it all the way through the kitchen and putting it on the mat at the front door. Maybe she can feel a bigger draught under the front door.
1. Measure the door you want to cover and then cut out 2 pieces of fabric long enough and wide enough to fill the gap. I cut up a cheap fleece throw from Ikea.
2. Decide if you want a pattern or words on the front and stitch these onto the front piece.
3. When this is done pin the 2 right sides together and sew along the 2 long lengths and one short end. Put your arm in and turn the right way.
4. Stuff the inside with the filling from an old pillow or old towels etc until it stands up on its own against the door and either machine or hand stitch the end closed.
5. Place in pride of place at your intended door (or take advice from a small dog).