Remember this lamp?
I've made changes to it now.
Firstly, I tilted the lamp on the fruit bowl so I could turn the shade around when gluing on the pom pom trim.
I started the trim on the shade seam and finished there to make it look tidier.
I made some flowers and leaves with net and voile.
I glued these flowers on to the shade and added a bow and lots of buttons using my wonderful glue gun.
On every circle on the shade I glued a button on.
I love the finished look, shabby and vintage.
And finally, just for Mrs Exeter a close up of the Westie dog cushion I made.
Buttons for eyes and nose :)
I actually used an old cushion cover and cut it into the shape of a dog, stitched up the sides and then filled it.
Just putting my office back together now, filling shelves etc, stay tuned for finished pics :)
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!