Thursday, 28 April 2011

Bee happy ..... use the summer house

I have been in my summer house a lot recently because of the lovely weather so thought I would share pictures of the inside.

Useful store for magazines and books.

Husband put me a shelf up to store my bits and bobs on.

I made the blinds for the windows with CK and Ikea material.

I made this seaside wreath a few years ago by glueing shells and pebbles
onto a wooden frame I made.

Hope you like my summer house, maybe drop by for a coffee and cake :) or even champers!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Bee happy ..... bee lucky!

Hope you all had a great Easter break. 

I won a giveaway yesterday, some cool crochet bits and pieces, so pleased! Check out Lynda's blog, it's so cool.

I also went to the annual local duck race yesterday that ran through the village, the local cricket club organises it every year to raise funds.

Husband and I named a couple of ducks but number 15 Bee happy duck didn't win :(

After the duck race we had been invited to a charity garden party at a friends house over the road.  We bought raffle tickets on the way in and then forgot about the draw until one of my numbers came up!

I had a good look at the table of prizes and finally decided upon the bottle of Mumm champagne with 2 glasses :)

I also got the chance to hold 2 little boy puppies who are 2 weeks old :) they are so cute!
these little fellows are actually one of my dogs half brothers so we will be able to go and check on them often :)

Something different but had to share. We came out to the car over the weekend and found some bird poo on the windscreen.  Is it me or is it a skull?

And finally, on Saturday there was a huge thunder and lightening storm here and it also hailed.  Not sure how many of you had this but the hail was huge! We had taken shelter in the summer house so I sent husband out in it to get some for me to photograph :)

Hope you all have a great 3 day week!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Bee happy .... get creative

I've been busy getting creative, making a few different things and thought I would share.

Printed pegs with bird design stamps

Printed pegs with Paris design stamp

Necklace with heart, crown and key to celebrate the
Royal wedding

Crafty necklace with knitting, buttons, sewing machine
and scissors

Linen bag with gingham ribbon and Little Red Riding Hood
material pocket

Crafty brooch pin

All these are for sale in my Folksy shop.

Hope you all have a great Easter and don't OD on the chocolate. 

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Bee happy .... treat yourself

I have made a purchase from dotcomgiftshop, couldn't help myself.

Been coveting these little spice tins for a while after seeing them in a magazine.  Bought some skull bun cases and a card as well :)

Don't forget to enter my giveaway if you haven't already done so, the prizes are here.

A bag which I have made.

Craft set

Liberty print bag
If you click on the Bee happy giveaway picture in my sidebar you can enter here.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Bee happy ..... renovate something old

Had this old Singer sewing machine stand for about 20 years, I brought it back home from the tip with me when I had taken some recycling. 

I sanded it down and painted it black and went over the writing in gold paint, it lived in the hall way for a while as a telephone table.

It has been with me through 4 house moves but was looking really tired after living in the garden. 

It had been moved to mum in laws house before we moved house this last time so the garden looked tidier for viewings (it was a plant stand/feature).

It has since lost more wood from the top so I decided to renovate to cheer it up again :)

This is what it looked liked when we brought it back from
mum in laws house.

It is very tired and has lost most of its wooden top.

Used the wire brush to sand down and prepare it for spraying.

After first couple of sprays.

Finished job with new wooden top.
Husband made the top for me with bits of wood laying around in
the garage.

Grabbed a few bits and pieces to decorate with for photos.

Really pleased with the result, the table top is painted the same colour as my summer house which is opposite.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Bee happy ..... receive an award!

I have received another award!

This one is from the lovely Susan, Miss Tea

check out her blog cos she has some great things to share :)

I really appreciate the nominations for all of my awards but after thinking long and hard I have decided to keep my blog award free.

I have decided to create an extra page in my sidebar just to keep my awards in to remind me of all the lovely people out there in blog land. Hope this does not offend anyone as I really appreciate all of your comments and company.

Thanks again Susan.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Bee happy ..... change a table

A few weekends ago I started sanding down this table to repaint it.

I have had this table for quite a few years now, and it started off pine then I used an ivy stencil around the corners.

I got the table from Ikea in Leeds even before there was an Ikea open at Nottingham. We drove the table home in a smallish car with the table resting over the top of the headrests so it would fit in the car! Husband and I had compacted backs for a week after driving home squashed in our seats with the table over our heads, probably highly illegal but I just had to have it!

But back to the sanding.

This is it having had a sanding with the electric sander and ready for painting.

Painted white and drying in the living room. Under this white paint
is grey so when I distress it the grey shows through.

2 coats of white paint and a new handle.

The table then went back on the garden to be distressed by hand so the grey paint would show through.
Here is my lovely assistant.

It took about 2 hours by hand to distress and gave me a really sore arm and shoulder!

After sanding by hand the table looked a bit shiny on top still so kind husband got out the electric sander again and went over it to dull it off and then it got sanded again by hand with a really fine paper to finish it off.

Really pleased with the result, the grey shows through and it looks shabby and chic!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!